Red Hood
part 1
The dark pines swept over
the mountains
like an inky dark sea their ancient roots cracking through the
crumbling moss covered rocks of the dying mountain ranges crests, where
the village seemed to float as if forever ready to be overwhelmed by
the forest around it.
Oh no you don’t Lywyn told the little toddler as she snatched
knife away from him. Your too little to cut apples just yet.
Instead of accepting this however, the little boy leaned precariously
out over the edge of the counter as he reached to try to grab the knife
Okay then Lywyn told him as she picked him up and put him on the floor.
We’ll just put you down here where you can’t touch
He clung to her legs for a moment before he started pulling pots out of
the cupboards scattering them across the kitchen floor.
What are you doing? Lywyn asked the child with the best stern look she
could muster but all she managed to get out of him was a mischievous
grin. Your impossible she told him, while trying to keep from laughing
as she picked him up and put him on the counter again. I’m
to get the food ready for dinner, but if you keep interrupting me we
might just have to eat stale bread, she warned him as she started
chopping the last of the apples.
He crawled along the counter restlessly as he waited for her to finish
so he could ‘help’ her make the pie.
Okay I’m done, she informed him after a moment as she once
snatched him away from the knives. So you can put the apples into the
pie if you want to help me she informed him as she put him next to
the bowl of apples and the pie pan then turned to pull the
broiling meat out of the oven. It looks like its about done she told
the little boy as she pointedly put hot platter of meat far out of his
reach before turning back to help finish putting the apples in the pie
crusts. Thanks she told him while he licked the last bits of apple off
his hands, after they’d finished.
The door clattered open.
Mommy, the little boy cried happily as he nearly flung himself from the
counter before Lywyn caught him and lowered him gently to the floor so
he could run to his mother.
Hello sweety, the boys mother greeted him as she scooped him up.
Thank you for watching him Little Redhood the boys mother told Lywyn
with a slight bow of respect towards the oven where she thought Lywyn
must be.
Lywyn caused the wooden floor to creak in acknowledgement, for although
she liked humans she felt uncomfortable speaking with or even
letting all but the youngest of them them see her.