| Its
strange to think that Telephone poles were once trees. Tall majestic
they stood among each other, creaking and rustling their conversations
with the wind. But even in their new form the fairy remains in the
telephone pole, for telephone poles are often filled with dreams, hopes
and worries. A flyer for a lost cat, a poster for an indie concert by
some band hoping to make it, and thousands of calls passing from one
person to another over the wires held by the polls. They are spreaders
of news, the ultimate gossips so as Fern pulled away the telephone pole
began to speak with a rock spirit about her. The
rock spirit which sat near shuddered with relief as Fern’s bus pulled
away, for the spirits of rocks are sensitive and abhor violence. Though
when they are exposed to great acts of violence they will become
destructive themselves, taking on the form of the victims to wreck
havic on humanity. So it was that the gossipy telephone poll and the
frightened stone spirit whispered of what it had seen to the passing
wind which carried it out over a small field of grass which whispered
it to a cluster of rocks. And so word of Fern’s first little fight with
a fairy spread to those who had decread that humans could not know
about the “Other World.”