Welsh Fairy Tales
From the land of fairies, King Arthur and Pwyll Wales has some of the
worlds most fascinating. Explore one of the last Celtic
lands where fairies still dominate the fairy tales. |
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy tales translated into English for the first time by
Russia is the land where Asian and European fairy tales merge making
their stories especially fantastic. |
Songs & Poems
Some of the greates stories about fairies are contained in the songs,
ballads, poems, and hymns dedicated to them. From the sagas and verses
passed down for thousands of years to new works discover the song of
the fairy. |
The Fairies in Fairy Tales
Fairies are are supernatural creatures which exist in a freer state
then humans, able to to change shape, turn invisible, appear and
disapear at will (Jacod Grimm). Becasue of their magical knowledge and
capabilities fairies can be said to live... |
El Fairy Tales
Europe's last pagan faith exists in the Mari-El Province of Russia.
These are their Fairy Tales translated into English for the first time.
Stories About Fairies?
1-Fairies have been used for generations to pass on meaning and
purpose. From the fairies of Peter Pan the nymphs of the
2-The original tales of fairies and fairy like creatures provided a lot
of depth.
3-Fairies were believed in ancient times to control human fate and the
natural world.
Fairy Tales for Children?
1-Fairy Tale stories are Fantastic Journals.
2-Fairy Tales are a passing of culture.
3- Fairy tales were passed down from person to person for generations
because they were the best stories.
4-Fairy tales often had the purpose of passing on social and moral
5-Fairy tales help children to understand different cultures and
perspectives. |
Discover the
motivation and personalities of the fairies in Fairy Tales

A Writer's Guide to Fairies, Witches, and Vampires uses folklore and
belief to explore the backgrounds, motivations, and personality traits
people most commonly believed that fairies had.
This book will provide you with tools to understand the fairies in that
encyclopedia of fairies with short entries or the fairytales you love.
