Fairies and Fairy Tales

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List of Celtic and English Fairies

Adern Y Corph
(Welsh Fairy)
A death portent in the form of a bird which sings outside the door of a person who’s going to die. 

Aengus (Irish)
“I am Aengus; men call me the Young. I am the sunlight in the heart, the moonlight in the mind; I am the light at the end of every dream, the voice for ever calling to come away; I am desire beyond joy or tears. Come with me, come with me: I will make you immortal; for my palace opens into the Gardens of the Sun, and there are the fire-fountains which quench the heart’s desire in rapture.” 
Extracted from “Fairy Faith in the Celtic Lands” by Wentz

One of the Tuatha De Danann who became an important part of the folk religions of Ireland and who's home appears to have been one of the places fairies lived.

Afanc (Welsh)
There are a number of different tales of the Afanc which either describe it as a water demon or a creature that looks like a mix between crocodile and beaver. In all cases, however, it was a dangerous creature which would prey on those who went into its lake. 
In one of the more interesting of the Afanc's tales the creature kills three of the kings sons (chieftains) every day when they go to slay the Afanc and everyday the court maidens bring these sons back to life. Finally a man named Peredur asks to go out with the three chieftains, but they refuse as they wouldn't be able to bring him back to life. Determined Peredur strikes out on his own so that he might slay the Afanc and thus increase his own fame and honor. On his way he meets a maiden (The Queen of Constantinople who is most likely a stand in for what was previously another fairy figure or  shaman figure). This 'fairy or shaman' gives Peredur a stone that allows him to see things which are invisible for the Afanc as it turns out has this ability, just as it has the ability to shoot poisoned darts at it's victims.
In  Still Another Tale the Afanc acts like a unicorn and lays it's head in a maidens lap allowing the villagers to capture it.

Aillan Mac Midhna (Irish)
A Tuatha De Danann Musician who would come out on Samain Day and lull people to sleep with his music before breathing fire to burn up Tara.

Aine (Irish)
A Fairy Goddess and a member of the Tuatha De Dannan.

Ainsel (England)
A Fairy Girl in Northern England,

Apple Tree Man (England)
Lives within the oldest tree in an apple orchard and helps the fruit to ripen well so that there is a good crop. 

Asrai (England)
A beautiful water fairy which baths in moonlight, and is so fragile that if sunlight touches them they turn into water. 
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asrai

Athach (Scotland)
A general term for giant Scottish monster

Aughisky (Irish)
A dangerous water creature which appears as a horse.

Awd Goggie (England)
Possibly a warning tale to keep children from wondering into orchards alone the Awd Goggie inhabits Fruit Orchards where it will attack children. 

Banshee (Irish)
The good spirit of a woman who stays behind to watch over her family. As such she begins to wail and cry when a family member is about to die.

Baobhan Sith (Scotland)
A beautiful women in a green dress who lives in the wilderness using their beauty to seduce victims who they devour. 

Barguest (England)
A spirit which haunts cities and the countryside in a number of different terrifying forms.

Bauchan (Scotland)
A form of hairy house fairy

Bean-nighe (Scotland)
A fairy which appears as an old Lady and washes the clothes of those about to die so that they look presentable when they go to Heavan.

Beithir (Scotland)
A monster which haunts mines

Bendith y Mamau (Welsh)
Name for Fairies in Wales

Billy Blind
The name of a house fairy which gives advice to a young man.

Billy Winker
The sprite that closes the eyes of children at bedtime.

Black Annis
A hag which eats children, but may also be a former goddess, or the aggressive soul of an internally duelistic goddess.

Black Dogs
A nocturnal Spirit

Blue Burches
The name of a household fairy.

Blue Cap
A fairy which live in mines and appears as small blue flames. If the miners treat them well these fairies well lead them to mineral deposits.

Blue Men of Minch (Scotland)
Blue skinned men who live in in the ocean around islands. They would cause storms and wreck ships but a captain who was good at poetry could keep them at bay.

“In point are the demons which were said to haunt particular families as their good or evil genius. The family of Rothiemurchus was said to have been haunted by Bodach,” 
“The Earl of E , a nobleman alike beloved and respected in Scotland, and whose death was truly felt as a national loss, was playing on the day of his decease on the links of St. Andrews at the national game of golf. Suddenly he stopped in the middle of a game, saying, " I can play no longer, there is the Bodach Glas, I have seen it for the third time ; something fearful is going to befall me." He died that night..” 
The Bodach would also enter the household through the chimney to torment children.

Bodca an Dun
The name of a death porteint for the family of Eothmarchas

Bodachan Sabhaill
A fairy of the farmstead which appeared as an old man and would help with the harvest.

A spirit which haunts houses.

Bogey Beast
A general Name for mischievous fairy creatures. In one fairy tale it takes the place of the Hedley Kow in the story.

Boogie Man 
A general name for a creature which haunts children.

A mischievous and occasionally dangerous goblin, though at times they can also be guardian spirits.

Boobrie (Scotland)
A Magical water bird of Scotland.

A mischievous Shape Changer

A strange formless creature with only a mouth and eyes and a limited vocabulary. 

Brown Man of the Muirs
The lord of the animals of the moorlands.

Browney (Cornish)
A spirit of the farm which cares for the bees and gets them to fertilize the fields.The Cornish Browney .

A common name for a house fairy

A storm spirit which lives in mines and caves

Buggane  (Manx)
A monstrous Creature which is unable to cross water

A spirit which punishes bad children and bad servents.

Burlow-beanie (Cornish)
A spirit summoned by the Green Knight in a ballad about Arthur.

Bwbchod and Bwca
 (Welsh Fairy)
The Bwabach or Boobach is a Welsh house fairy of the brownie arch type. Much like many other similar fairies he tends to do good deeds for those who treat him well by giving him cream, don’t try to look at him, or guess his name. When the Bwabach is mistreated they turn into a a poltergeist like being known as the bwca and after gaining revenge flee the house which they came from in search of a new home with people who will treat them properly. At times however they refuse to leave a place and so must be exercised.

Cailleach Bheur
The Hag of Winter

Cat Sidhe (Scotland)
A fairy Cat

Caoidheag (Scotland)
A fairywhich washes the clothes of those about to die. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caoineag

A spirit of the barn which torments those who are not supposed to be in the barn but helps the family to keep their sheep and other animals safe.

Cauld Lad of Hilton
A house fairy which also has much in common with a ghost

Ceasg (Scotland)
Half Woman/Half Salmon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceasg

Churn-milk Peg and Melsh Dick
Are wood-demons supposed to protect soft, unripe nuts from being gathered by naughty children, the former being wont to beguile her leisure by smoking a pipe.

Church Grim (Yorkshire)
is a fixed inhabitant of the church by day and by night, and only ' marauds about ' in dark stormy weather. It has been known to toll the death- bell at midnight, and at times a priest officiating at a burial would see it sitting at a window in the church-tower, when e would be able to tell by the creature's aspect whether the soul of the departed was saved or lost.

Does nothing beyond making a noise as of beating on empty cans.

Cluricaun (Irish)
Similar to a Leprechaun 

 (Welsh Fairy)
A friendly fairy of Welsh mines which leads people to rich vains of ore, often by knocking where they should dig and which helps prevent cave ins.

Coleman Gray (Cornish)
A child Piskie briefly taken in by a human farmer.

Cowlug sprites
Fairies with ears like cows.

Cu Sith (Highland)
A large green dog

Cughtach (Manx)
Storm Bringers which Live in caves

 (Welsh Fairy)
A death portent spirit much like the banshee

Dagda (Irish)
Great King of the Irish Fairy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dagda

Dando and his Dogs (Cornish)
A Priest who becomes a huntsman for the devil (Fairy Tale)

Daoine Sidhe (Irish)
Yeats uses this word for fairies in Ireland

A species of dwarfish fairies, of somewhat evil nature 

Devil's Dandy Dogs (Cornish)
The Cornish dogs used for the wild hunt

Dobby (Yorkshire)
Name of a brownie

Dobie (Yorkshire)
A silly brownie

Dooinney Oie (Manx)
A fairy which looks like an old man and lives in sea side caves. He warns away those who approach his cave by causing them to sprain their ankle or hurt themselves in some other way. Despite his desire to be alone he can be useful and warns of coming storms.

Fairy of the Brownie type

Dunters (Scottland)
Fairies which haunt old castles

Each Uisge (Scotland)
A Dangerous Water Horse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Each_uisge

A fairy race from Saxon lore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf

 (Welsh Fairy)
A mischievous fairy which lives in bogs and uses light to lure travlers astray.

 (Welsh Fairy)
Welsh Elves which fit the more modern idea of fairies, they are wispy, ethreal, beautiful little creatures which eat toadstools and fairy butter (a fungus found in the roots of old trees). Yet in many stories they also appear a bit more like pixies. 

Ettin (England)
A two headed four horned monster Read the Fairy Tale

Fachan (Scotland)
A monster of Scotland which has one leg, one eye, one tooth, one arm which holds a dangerous club. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fachen 

Farisees (England)
In Suffolk the fairies are called farisees. Not many years ago, a butcher near Woodbridge went to a farmer's to buy a calf, and finding, as he expressed it, that "the cratur was all o' a muck," he desired the farmer to hang a flint by a string in the crib, so as to be just clear of the calf's head. "Becaze," said he, "the calf is rid every night by the farisees, and the stone will brush them off."

Fear Dearg (Irish)
A little man who dresses all in red who comes into peoples homes to warm himself by the fire. http://www.leprechaunmuseum.ie/irish-folklore-mythology/creatures-of-the-otherworld/fear-dearg/

Feeorin (Lancashire)
A fairy mentioned in two tales from Lancashire but never fully described.

A fairy who was banished from the fairy court for falling in love with a human maiden.

Ferrishyn (Manx)
The Manx must have adopted the English word " fairies " for use in the singular number, and ferrishyn is at the least a double plural. 

Fideal (Scotland)
A beautiful water fairy which drowns humans when given the chance.

Finvarra (Irish)
King of the fairies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finvarra

Fir Bolgs (Irish)
The first rulers of Ireland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fir_Bolg 

Fir Darrig (Irish)
A fairy with a read hat who may visit people's homes at night (Read the Two Fairy Tales)

Fir Chlis (Scotland)
Roughly translated as the nimble ones, the Fir Chlis are the Northern lights which were reputed to be fairies dancing in the sky.

Formorians (Ireland)
Giants of Ireland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fomorians 

Fridean (Scotland)
Fairies of the Rocks to whom offerings of milk and bread were left before a journey.

Fuath (Scotland)
Category of evil water fairies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuath 

Galley Begger (Somerset)
Another headless spirit which haunts the countryside

Gally-Trot (England)
A Giant White Dog who chases anyone who runs from it.

Fairies that wonder the countryside and try to woo milk-maidens.

Gentle Annie
A hag somewhat akin to Black Annis only controls the winds and causes storms

The Gentry (Irish)
A name for the fairies which is used to avoid offending them.

Ghillie Dhu (Scotland)
A guardian of trees (especially birch trees) he is a wild and often shy fairy who is kind to and aids children. Said to be dark haired, he is described as clothed in leaves and moss. In lore, this solitary spirit is said to reside primarily near Gairloch and Loch a Druing

Glaistig (Scotland)
Appearing to be a beautiful woman she hides goat legs under long flowing dresses and seeks to drain the blood from males in some legends. In others she is a guardian spirit, so she is likely very internally duelistic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaistig 

Glashtyn (Manx)
In some reports a brownie creature in others a water fairy.

Typically evil and sometimes phantom like fairies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goblin 

Gooseberry Wife
The Gooseberry-wife in the guise of a large furry caterpillar, takes charge of the green gooseberries, e.g. If ye goos out in the gearden, the gooseberry-wife'll be sure to ketch ye

Grant (England)
A death portent which appears as a young horse running on its hind legs.

A word for a small sprite like creature.

Grindylow (Yorkshire)
An evil nymph or water demon which lives pools of water or the trees.

Greenies (Lancashire)
Small fairies so exquisitely beautiful that men can fall instantly in love with them.

Gruagach (Scotland)
Is often a female brownie type spirit such as one which lived in Skipness Castle where it did odd jobs for the maids. There are also males, and a number of other tales about them.

Gunna (Scotland)
A fox skin wearing fairy boy who was banished from fairyland.

is an evil cow whose appearance was formerly believed in as a sign of death

Gwrach y Rhibyn 
 (Welsh Fairy)
Haglike fairies which act as death portents

 (Welsh Fairy)
Frightful haglike fairies which haunt lonely mountain roads. 

The Queen of Fairies. Superstitious females, in Fife, are anxious to spin off all the flax that is on their rocks, on the last night of the year ; being persuaded that if they left any unspun, the Gyrc-Carlin, or as they also pronounce the word the Gy-carlin, would carry it off before morning. 

Habetrot (Scottish)
A fairy which spins magical garments.

Hairy Jack
A mischievous dog spirit

Hedley Kow (English)
A shapeshifting fairy which likes to play tricks on people. 

Henkies (Orkney)
So called because they were supposed to henk or limp when they danced, Henkie knowes are the knolls round which these trolls or fairies used to gambol at night ; the Hill Folk

Hinky Punk
A one legged creature which carries a lantern in order to lure travelers astray.

Typically a kind house fairy which can cure illness

A name for the Will o the Wisp

Hobyah (England)
Dangerous fairies which are chased of by a barking dog. (English Folk Tale)

Hookeys (Lincolnshire)
An Unmeaning abjeration supposed to have reference to fairies

Hoopers (Cornish)
Shy fairies which hid in the mist, but would warn fishermen of coming storms.

Howlaa (Manx)
A mountain fairy which appears as an old man, his voice could be heard in the winter lamenting the coming tempests which gave people warning of such storms.

Hyter Sprites
A kind fairy which would find lost children in the fens and help them find their way home again. Very protective the hyter sprites would also scold those who mistreated children.

Ignis Fatuus
Another word for Will o the wisp

Jack In Irons
is a supernatural being of great stature, wearing clanking chains, who may at any moment spring out on a passer-by in the dark.

Jack O Lantern
The Spirits of wicked people who died they use glimmering lights to lead travelers into bogs and moors. In order to protect oneself from them is to put one's cap inside out and avoid pointing at them. For they will attack those who point at them. He can be helpful as he will light the way of those who request it but being internally duelistic in nature he can turn back to his misleading nature at any time.

Jeanie of Biggersdale
A dangerous spirit which haunts the woodlands of North Riding Yorkshire. One night a drunk brash young man made a bet that he could rouse her from the woods. So he rode up to Mulgrave Wood and called for her to come. 
“I'm Coming” She called in anger and chased him nearly to the river where she cut his horse in two, but luckly for him he was thrown clear across the water and so was safe as she could not cross after.

Jenny Greenteeth
A specific name for a Grindylow

Jenny- wi'-t'-lantren
Another name for Will o the Wisp

Jimmy Squarefoot (Manx)
Jimmy Squarefoot " was a cross between a human being and a tusked boar who haunted the hillward parts of Malew and Arbory, and whose footprints were found where he had shown himself.

Joan the Wad (Cornish)
A type of Will o the Wisp

Kelpie (Scotland)
A water fairy which can appear as a large horse which will try to lure people (especially children and woman) onto his back so that he may run into the lake or river and drown them. They may also appear as handsome young men or woman.

A brownie like fairy which inhabits mills.

Kit with the Candlestick (Kitty Candlestick)
Another name for Will o the Wisp

Klippes (Scotland)
A name for earth colored fairies in the Scottish Lowlands

Knockers (Cornish)
Fairies that help miners. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knocker_(folklore) 

Knocky Boh
A bogie who taps behind the wainscot to frighten children

Lambton Worm
A water dragon which terrorizes the land around Lambton hall until a knight slays it (Read Scotish Fairy Tale)

Lazy Lawrence
A fairy of the orchard who curses those who steal from the orchard to get cramps and pains.

Leanan Sidhe (Irish)
A fairy which inspires poets in return for their love 

Llamhigyn Y Dwr
 (Welsh Fairy)
Called the Water Leaper in English the Llamhigyn Y Dwr is described as a giant frog with a bat's wings instead of forelegs, a long tail and stinger instead of hindlegs
It haunts fishermen breaking their fishing lines and while leap out of the water to eat them or livestock. 

Leprechaun (Irish)
A fairy who makes shoes for the fairy court and hides pots of gold which it receives as payment.

Lhiannan-Shee (Manx)
A beautiful guardian fairy.

Linton Worm
A water dragon. 

Lob Lie by the Fire
A house fairy

Loireag (Scotland)
A water fairy that loves the arts of music and weaving and gets furious with anyone who makes mistakes at these.

A form of house fairy.

Lunantishee (Irish)
The lunantishees are the tribes that guard the blackthorn trees or sloes; they let you cut no stick on the eleventh of November (the original November Day), or on the eleventh of May (the original May Day). If at such a time you cut a blackthorn, some misfortune will come to you.

A Queen of the Fairies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Mab 

Human girls have the unique ability to calm and capture many creatures such as the Afnac, unicorn, etc. It is likely that this is a remnant of Shamanistic traditions of the past. For the Indo-European's often and woman as oracles. Further there is some evidence of a relationship between the early Celts and the Altaic People's who have female shamans. 
http://zeluna.net/english-fairytales-thestarsinthesky.html - A fairy tale which likely has some roots in vision quests.
http://zeluna.net/english-fairytales-childerowland.html - A girl who sets out to free her love from fairy land..

May Mou- 
A spirit akin to the Killmoulis, whereas it is " the girl with the hairy left-hand " which haunts Tulloch Gorms, and gives warning of a death in the Grant family

Meg Moulach (Scotland)
A female house fairy who turned evil.

Melsh Dick
A guardian of nut trees.

Half Human Half Fish Water fairy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaid 

Merrows (Irish)
A form of mermaid which used red caps to transform.

Moddy Dhoo (Manx)
A form of black dog http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moddey_Dhoo 

Nanny Button- cap
of whom the children sing : The moon shines bright, The stars give light, And little Nanny Button-cap Will come to-morrow night. 

My Own Self
The name of fairy which comes down the chimney and plays with a child http://zeluna.net/english-fairytales-myownself.html 

Nelly Longarms
A form of Grindylow

He appears always in the form of a fine apple-grey horse on the sea-shore; but he may be distinguished from ordinary horses by the circumstance of his hoofs being reversed. If any one is so foolish as to mount him, he gallops off, and plunges into the sea with his burden. He can, however, be caught in a particular manner, tamed, and made to work.

Noggle (Orkney)
A water horse (Read the Fairy Tale)

Fin Bheara, the King of the Connacht Fairies in Cnoc Meadha (or Castlehacket) in the County Galway, his Queen Nuala, and all the beautiful forms seen by Mr. Wentz’s seer-witness

Nuckelavee (Scottish)
A one eyed sea monster who came up onto land. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuckelavee 

Oak Tree Spirit
The fairy of an Oak Tree offers a man three wishes if he agrees not to cut down his tree. http://zeluna.net/english-fairytales-thethreewishes.html 
Old Lady of the Elder Tree
A tree spirit

Old Shock 
I a mischievous goblin in the shape of a great dog or calf, haunting highways and footpaths after dark. Those who are so foolhardy as to encounter the beast are sure to be thrown down and severely bruised.

is a terrible boggart with saucer-eyes, and dragging clanking chains ; or it takes the form of a large sheep or dog walking beside you, making a soft noise pad, pad, pad with its feet. It always portends disaster.

Pechs (Scotland)
Small but incredibly strong fairies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pech_(mythology) 

Peg Prowler
A female water fairy which seeks to drown people and at times will steal animals.

Pellings (Welsh Fairy)
 (Welsh Fairy)
A tribe of half-Fairies who are decended from Penelope 

Perry Dancers (Suffolk)
The Northern Lights

Phooka (Puck)
A mischievous Shape Changer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%BAca 

Pied Piper of Franchville
The Pied Piper is likely some form of fairy teaching a morality lesson, what's more he leads the children into fairyland.

Another name for Will o the Wisp

Pisgies (Cornish)
Another name for Pixies.

Pixies (Cornish)
Mischievous and often small fairies

Plant Annwn
 (Welsh Fairy)
Beautiful lake fairies which have been compaired to nymphs

Portunes (English)
Tiny fairy of the farm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portunes

Mischievous fairy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puck_(mythology)

Ratchets, Gabble Raches, or Gabriel's Hounds (n.Cy. Yks. Lan. Stf. Der.) are spectre dogs whose yelping cry may be heard at dead of night, or in the early morning, what time the collier goes to his work in the pits, a warning of death to the hearer or to some one among his kinsfolk and acquaintance. Their leader Gabriel is condemned to follow his hounds at night, high in the upper air, till doomsday, for the sin of having hunted on Sunday.

Rawhead and Bloody Bones
The boggart of the ponds is a masculine water- demon called Rawhead, Tommy Rawhead (w.Yks.), Bloody-bones (Lan.), or Rawhead and Bloody-bones, e. g. Keep away from the marl-pit or rawhead and bloody-bones will have you. 

Goblins that infest the ruins.

Roane (Scotland)
A gentle form of seilkie.

Scantlie Mab
A spinning fairy (Read the Fairy Tale)

A fox who steals from a castle owned by three bears.

Seelie Court (Scotland)
The court of light fairies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seelie_Court

Fairies which appear human but can turn into seals by putting on a magical skin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selkie

A female spirit which haunts stretches of road and can appear with in blinding light.

Shefro (Irish)
The, or gregarious fairy of Ireland wears foxglove bells on head

A shell wearing water fairy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shellycoat 

Shriker (Yorkshire)
Skriker is an apparition portending death. It wanders about in the woods by night uttering loud, piercing shrieks, its form being then invisible. At other times it takes visible shape as a large dog, with 
enormous feet and shaggy hair, and the usual saucer-eyes. When walking, its feet make a splashing noise, as of a person in old shoes walking in soft mud ; hence it is also known by the name of Trash, for to trash signifies to walk wearily through wet and mire, and trashes are worn-out shoes. 

The name of a little fairy child that lives with some humans for a short time.

Sleih Beggey (Manx)
A Manx name for the little people

Sluagh (Scotland)
Sluagh, “hosts,” the spirit-world. The “hosts” are the spirits of mortals who have died.... According to one informant, the spirits fly about in great clouds, up and down the face of the world like the starlings, and come back to the scenes of their earthly transgressions. No soul of them is without the clouds of earth, dimming the brightness of the works of God, nor can any win heaven till satisfaction is made for the sins of earth

Specter of the Bloody Hand
Death Portent in the Kinchardines

Spriggans (Cornish)
Guardians of the fairy hills

Spunkies (Scottish)
Whenever the traveller had the misfortune to lose his way, or whenever there was a prospect of deluding him from it, this vigilant link-boy was ever at hand, to light him into far worse quarters than even the purlieus of Covent Garden.
"Suddenly the traveller's attention was arrested by the most resplendent light, apparently reflected from a window not far distant, which, however, as the traveller approached, receded from him, like the rainbow. Still pursuing his course towards it, the wily Spunkie manoeuvred so dexterously that the unhappy wanderer was speedily decoyed into the nearest morass or precipice. Plunging headlong into some fatal abyss, the deluded victim never returned to his mournful wife and family, to relate to them the Spunkie's perfidy."

The wraitli is an apparition exactly like a living person, and its appearance, whether to that person or to another, is commonly thought an omen of death. These apparitions are called " fetches" throughout the sister island, in Cumberland " swarths," and in Yorkshire

Tangie (Orkney)
a sea-spirit which sometimes assumes the appearance of a horse, and at other times that of an old man

Tankerabogus, or Tantarabobus - Now, Polly, yu've abin a bad, naughty maid, and ef yii be sich a wicked cheel again, I'll zend vur tankerabogus tu come and car yii away tii 'is pittee-awl Tod-lowrie  e.g. Here's Tod- lowrie coming ! In Scotland the word is a name for the fox.

Tarans (Scotland)
Fairies who were thought to be children who died without being baptized. 

Terrytop (Cornish)
Version of Rumpelstiltskin

Every person has a personal fairy with the power to take their life.

The Tiddy Ones (Lincolnshire)
Fen spirits that cause floods

 (Welsh Fairy)
Ominous sounds which act as a death portent

Tom Dockin (Yorkshire)
a bogie having iron teeth, with which he devours bad children

Tom Poker
a bogie who inhabits dark closets, holes under stairs, unoccupied cock- lofts

Tom Tit Tot
A fairy tale similar to Rumpelstiltskin 

Trows (Scotland)
A small troll like creature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trow_(folklore) 

Tuatha De Danann (Irish)
The fairy folk of Ireland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuatha_D%C3%A9_Danann 

Tylwyth Teg 
 (Welsh Fairy)
The fairies of Wales

Ugly but kind fairies which live near pools, they would at times seek out company but their appearance terrified everyone who saw them.

Waff (Yorkshire)
an omen of death or an instrument for saving lives.

Wag By the Way
A friendly fairy which appears as an old man.

Wee Willie Winkie
A fairy which helps people get to sleep.

Whuppity Storie (Scottish)
A version of Rumpelstiltskin

Those who walk Widder Shins around a sacred place can find themselves trapped in the fairy realm.

Wilkie (Orkney)
Of two burial mounds (in one of which an urn was found) near Pier-o-wall, Westray, known as Wilkie's Knolls'] the Orcadians can give no information who this Wilkie was. But there is a tradition prevalent that all the natives of Westray were in the habit of dedicating to him daily a certain pro- portion of milk. This milk was poured into a hole in the centre of one of the tumuli. It is also said that if any either refused or neglected to give him this portion of milk, that their clothes or other articles which might be exposed, would be stolen ; that they, and their cattle, would be in danger of being inflicted with disease, while their houses would be haunted by him. The natives still seem much afraid for Wilkie's influence, although they no longer dedicate to him oblations of milk. It is still customary for the natives to frighten their children to silence by telling them that "Wilkie's coming." — M.S. Letter by J. Paterson on Orkney Antiquities, dated 1833, in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Will o the Wisp

Yallery Brown
A strange little hairy fairy (read the fairy tale)

Understanding the Celtic Fairies in Fairy Tales, 
ch 1 - Origins of the Celtic people.

Dark forests rise like cresting waves up and down the mountain and hill side before crashing at last into the sea. The stillness of this dark forest is broken only the sound of a fairies song which could be heard, long after the forests gave way to farm and fields. 

In 1877 Queen Victoria took a boat out to a small island in center of Loch Maree and there like hundreds even thousands before her she nailed a coin into an old tree, a votive offering for the fairy within in return that her wish might be granted. Nearby sat a pool which was said to have cured people of lunacy at one time, and a small glade of trees in which ancient rituals had been performed only a few hundred years before.

A synopsis of the 
Types of Fairies

The Religion of the Ancient Celts
by J. A. MacCulloch (1911)
Chapter I. Introductory
Chapter II. The Celtic People
Chapter III. The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts
Chapter IV. The Irish Mythological Cycle
Chapter V. The Tuatha D� Danann
Chapter VI. The Gods of the Brythons
Chapter VII. The C�chulainn Cycle
Chapter VIII. The Fionn Saga
Chapter IX. Gods and Men
Chapter X. The Cult of the Dead
Chapter XI. Primitive Nature Worship
Chapter XII. River and Well Worship
Chapter XIII. Tree and Plant Worship
Chapter XIV. Animal Worship
Chapter XV. Cosmogony
Chapter XVI. Sacrifice, Prayer, and Divination
Chapter XVII. Tabu.
Chapter XVIII. Festivals.
Chapter XIX. Accessories of Cult
Chapter XX. The Druids
Chapter XXI. Magic.
Chapter XXII. The State of the Dead
Chapter XXIII. Rebirth and Transmigration
Chapter XXIV. Elysium

Fairy Legends and Traditions
by Thomas Crofton Croker (1825)
Chapter I. The Interest and Importance of Celtic Mythology
Chapter II. The Sources of Our Knowledge of the Celtic Mythology
Chapter III. Who Were the ''Ancient Britons''?
Chapter IV. The Religion of the Ancient Britons and Druidism

Welsh and British Fairies

Welsh: List of Fairies
A comprehensive listing of Welsh fairies and the stories about them.

British Goblins
by Wirt Sikes (1881)
Chapter I: Fairy Tales and the Ancient Mythology
Chapter II: Classification of Welsh Fairies
Chapter III: Lake Fairies
Chapter IV: Mountain Fairies
Chapter V: Changelings
Chapter VI: Living with the Tylwyth Teg 
Chapter VII: Fairy Music
Chapter VIII: Fairy Rings
Chapter IX: Piety as a Protection from the Seductions of the Tylwyth Teg 
Chapter X: Fairy Money and Fairy Gifts in General 
Chapter XI: Origins of Welsh Fairies

Read Welsh Fairy Tales

Irish Fairies
Fairy Legends and Traditions
by Thomas Crofton Croker (1825)
Chapter V. The Gods of the Gaels
Chapter VI. The Gods Arrive
Chapter VII. The Rise of the Sun-God
Chapter VIII. The Gaelic Argonauts
Chapter IX. The War with the Giants
Chapter X. The Conquest of the Gods by Mortals
Chapter XI. The Gods in Exile
Chapter XII. The Irish Iliad
Chapter XIII. Some Gaelic Love-Stories
Chapter XIV. Finn and the Fenians
Chapter XV. The Decline and Fall of the Gods

Discover the motivation and personalities of the fairies in Fairy Tales
Writer's Guide to Fairies

A Writer's Guide to Fairies, Witches, and Vampires uses folklore and belief to explore the backgrounds, motivations, and personality traits people most commonly believed that fairies had.

This book will provide you with tools to understand the fairies in that encyclopedia of fairies with short entries or the fairytales you love.
Learn More

Art by Ty Hulse
Dragon and bunny - by Ty Hulse

Pixie and Koi by Ty Hulse

Steampunk Jellyfish by Ty Hulse

Fox Fairies by Ty Hulse

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